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When generating a game list with Skyscraper you have the option of generating it for several different frontends. A frontend is the graphical interface that lists and launches your games.

Setting a frontend when generating a game list is done by setting the -f <FRONTEND> command-line parameter as explained here or by setting it in /home/<USER>/.skyscraper/config.ini as explained here. Use for the <FRONTEND> value the frontend name all lowercase and with alphabetical characters only: emulationstation, esde, pegasus, retrobat, attractmode. Some frontends have further options that are either optional or required. Check the frontend sections below for more information on this.


Skyscraper will overwrite your game list (obviously). So if you have spend a lot of time hand-crafting metadata in a game list for any frontend, please remember to create a backup before overwriting it with Skyscraper. You can also tell Skyscraper to auto-backup old game lists prior to overwriting them. Read more about that here.

When generating a game list for any frontend, Skyscraper will try to preserve certain metadata. Check the frontend sections below for more information on what metadata is preserved per frontend.

EmulationStation (default)

  • Default game list location: /home/<USER>/RetroPie/roms/<PLATFORM>
  • Default game list filename: gamelist.xml

This is the default frontend used when generating a game list with Skyscraper. If no frontend is defined on command-line or in config.ini it will fall back to generating for EmulationStation. By default the <USER> is pi on RetroPie setups.

Metadata preservation

Skyscraper will preserve the following metadata when re-generating a game list for EmulationStation: favorite, hidden, kidgame, lastplayed, playcount, sortname. Also existing <folder/> elements of a gamelist file will be preserved. The user editable sub-XML elements for a folder are listed in the Metadata.cpp of EmulationStation.


Folder data is not cached by Skyscraper, thus if you delete your gamelist.xml, Skyscraper can not restore the edited folder elements from cache.

Automatic addition of folder elements if addFolder is true:
If at least one ROM is within a subfolder and this subfolder is not yet part of the gamelist.xml file, it will be added with two mandatory subelements:

  • <path/> reflects the relative subpath from the system folder and
  • <name/>, which represents the direct parent folder of a ROM by default. However, you may edit this to any name which should be shown in EmulationStation.


Consider this folder structure below snes, whereas each lowest folder contains at least one ROM:

└── Retail
    ├── EUR
    ├── JP
    └── USA
Skyscraper will generate these elements if not present in gamelist.xml and only if addFolders is set true:
Note that the Retail folder is added even if it does not contain a ROM because it is part of the path to the ROMs in the lowest folders.

EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE)

This is very similar to the default EmulationStation. This section only highlights the differences.

  • Default game list location: /home/<USER>/ES-DE/gamelists/<PLATFORM>
  • Default game list filename: gamelist.xml

ROMs are expected to be in the input folder /home/<USER>/ROMs/<PLATFORM> for every <PLATFORM> you scrape.

Media filepaths (screenshots, marquees, videos, aso.) are not explicitly stored in the gamelist file. This is ES-DE default. However, Skyscraper will put the media files into the downloaded_media folder (e.g. ~/ES-DE/downloaded_media/<PLATFORM>/screenshots/ for screenshots) from where ES-DE will pick them up. Note that ES-DE does not support textures currently.

All the gory details of ES-DE's gamelist file format you can find in the section "Gamelist Reference" here.

Metadata preservation

Skyscraper will, additionally to EmulationStation preserved metadata, retain the following metadata when re-generating a game list for ES-DE: altemulator, broken, collectionsortname, completed, controller, hidemetadata, nogamecount, nomultiscrape. Also existing <folder/> elements of a gamelist file will be preserved: For these on top is the folderlink element is preserved.


  • Default game list location: /home/<USER>/RetroPie/roms/<PLATFORM>
  • Default game list filename: gamelist.xml

This is modeled after EmualtionStation as it uses it with slight differences.


  • Default game list location: /home/<USER>/.attract/romlists
  • Default game list filename: <EMULATOR/PLATFORM>.txt

Attract-Mode is a bit more abstract when it comes to how it saves its game lists and media. To export for Attract-Mode you need to, in addition to setting the frontend, set -e <EMULATOR> on command-line or in config.ini. The <EMULATOR> is a file that describes the platform / emulator you are generating a game list for. The file contains everything needed to tell Attract-Mode how to launch games for the platform, and even where to find the media files for the games (such as screenshots and videos).

If you are running RetroPie most of the <EMULATOR> files will have been auto-generated for you. They are usually named the same as the platform you are generating a game list for. So, if you are generating for snes you simply use Skyscraper -p snes -f attractmode -e snes and that should work just fine. The <EMULATOR> files are usually located at /home/<USER>/.attract/emulators/. Check them out if you are curious.

Metadata preservation

Skyscraper will preserve the following metadata when re-generating a game list for Attract-Mode: altromname, alttitle, buttons, cloneof, control, displaycount, displaytype, extra, rotation, status.


  • Default game list location: /home/<USER>/RetroPie/roms/<PLATFORM>
  • Default game list filename: metadata.pegasus.txt

Pegasus is easy and simple to generate a game list for. Simply do Skyscraper -p <PLATFORM> -f pegasus. If you want to specify a custom launch command (if you are using RetroPie you don't have to, a default one will be used), you can set it on command-line with -e "<COMMAND>" or in config.ini with:


You need to add the individual platform rom directories to Pegasus (if they are not already defined) before any of them will show up! Start the Pegasus frontend, press ESC on the keyboard and choose Settings -> Set game directories. Simply point it to each individual platform sub-directory. For RetroPie you should have a path for each platform (eg. /home/<USER>/RetroPie/roms/snes, /home/<USER>/RetroPie/roms/megadrive etc.).


If you are generating game lists for Pegasus, it is highly recommended to disable third-party game list data sources! Otherwise you will have a mish-mash or different sources showing up in Pegasus. Start the Pegasus frontend, press ESC on the keyboard and choose Settings -> Enable/disable data sources and disable everything in that submenu.
Then reload the game lists or restart Pegasus, and all of the platforms should show up with media and game information generated by Skyscraper.

Metadata preservation

Skyscraper will preserve any metadata key-value pairs added to the header and / or individual game list entries.